Automated Click Fraud Detection, Prevention and Real-Time Reporting for all PPC Solutions

Block fraudulent traffic from wasting your budget instantly.

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PPC Fraud Detection and Prevention:
Safeguarding Your Digital Advertising Investment

At ClickReport, we understand the intricacies of PPC advertising and the serious threat posed by click fraud. Our advanced PPC fraud detection and prevention tools are designed to safeguard your advertising budget, ensuring that your campaigns reach the right audience and deliver the best possible ROI. With real-time monitoring, detailed analytics, and customizable fraud prevention settings, ClickReport empowers you to take control of your PPC campaigns and protect your investment.

Create a FREE ClickReport Account to Get Access to:

Daily Click Reports

Daily Click Reports

Receive daily click reports documenting extensive PPC click activity and details such as date, time, IP address, location, keywords, and more.

Four-Tiered Warning System

Four-Tiered Warning System

Our four-tiered PPC fraud detection system will notify you of multiple clicks on your paid ads and block the users who repeatedly click on your ads.

Real-time Click Fraud Alerts

Real-time Click Fraud Alerts

Get real-time alert notifications documenting suspicious or duplicate click activity. This click fraud prevention tool will help you act fast and prevent click fraud instantly.

Block The Bad Traffic

Block The Bad Traffic

ClickReport automatically blocks invalid clicks on your Google ads in real-time, offering the best click fraud prevention technology available today.

Get set up in under 5 minutes

Start a free 10 day trial and name your campaign.
Add the URLs of the landing pages you wish to track to your Campaign. You can monitor a single landing page or add several pages to the campaign. will generate a unique tracking code script for each of the landing pages added.
Amend your pay per click advertisement to include the tag you've just added at the end of the destination URL.
  • Date and time of the visit
  • IP address of the visitor
  • Country, state and city where the visitor is located
  • The Internet Service Provider of the visitor
  • A unique cookie or session ID for the visitor
  • The referrer of the click
Get set up in under 5 minutes

Detect & Prevent PPC Click Fraud with ClickReport to Protect Your PPC Ads on Google, Yahoo and Bing!

*We guarantee not to sell, rent, or share your personal information with any third parties. Please read our Privacy Policy for more details.
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Why Why Choose ClickReport?

PPC fraud is a significant challenge in the digital marketing landscape, but it is not insurmountable. By understanding the nature of PPC fraud, staying vigilant, and implementing robust PPC fraud detection and prevention strategies, you can safeguard your advertising budget and maximize the effectiveness of your campaigns. ClickReport is your trusted partner in this effort, providing the tools and insights you need to stay ahead of click fraud and achieve your marketing goals.

Invest in your success—invest in ClickReport, and take the first step towards a more secure and profitable PPC strategy today.

In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, PPC (PPC) advertising is a powerful tool for driving traffic and generating leads. However, the effectiveness of your PPC campaigns can be compromised by a pervasive and costly threat: click fraud. As a business that invests in online advertising, understanding the risks associated with PPC fraud and implementing robust detection and prevention strategies is crucial to ensuring a high return on investment (ROI).

What What is Pay Per Click Fraud?

Pay-per-click fraud occurs when individuals, bots, or competitors click on your ads with malicious intent. Unlike legitimate clicks from potential customers, fraudulent clicks are designed to exhaust your advertising budget, skew your campaign data, and ultimately hinder your marketing efforts. There are several types of PPC fraud:

  1. Competitor Click Fraud: Competitors may repeatedly click on your ads to deplete your budget, leaving less room for your ads to appear in searches.
  2. Click Farms: Groups of individuals paid to click on ads, often from different devices and IP addresses, to mimic genuine traffic.
  3. Bots and Automated Scripts: Malicious bots can be programmed to click on ads, generating fake clicks at scale without any human intervention.
  4. Ad Network Fraud: Sometimes, even ad networks themselves can engage in fraudulent activities, inflating click numbers to increase their revenue share.

The Impact The Impact of PPC Fraud on Your Business

The consequences of PPC fraud are far-reaching. Financial losses are the most immediate concern, as click fraud drains your budget with no corresponding return on investment. However, the impact extends beyond wasted ad spend:

  • Distorted Analytics: Fraudulent clicks skew your campaign data, making it difficult to accurately measure performance and optimize future strategies.
  • Reduced Ad Visibility: When your budget is exhausted prematurely, your ads stop appearing, limiting your visibility to potential customers.
  • Lower Conversion Rates: High volumes of fake clicks can dilute your conversion rate, leading to erroneous conclusions about the effectiveness of your campaigns.
  • Damaged Brand Reputation: If users repeatedly see your ads but have no genuine interest, it can lead to ad fatigue and negatively impact your brand perception.

ClickReport Tip Of The Week:

11 Effective Strategies for Promoting Your Business Through Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising

At ClickReport, we understand the intricacies of PPC advertising and the serious threat posed by click fraud. Our advanced PPC fraud detection and prevention tools are designed to safeguard your advertising budget, ensuring that your campaigns reach the right audience and deliver the best possible ROI. With real-time monitoring, detailed analytics, and customizable fraud prevention settings, ClickReport empowers you to take control of your PPC campaigns and protect your investment.